The Sandbox

Wondering if this works…


Hidden stuff


Seems to :+1:
I like it

…And yes the linking above makes sense too (though I shall probably stick to what I know! :rofl:


I stumbled over that while exploring something entirely different. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m wondering if there are any other classes that can be added, but I’m unsure how to ferret them out.

It’s been around for awhile, but I’ve only just started using it. It’s actually come in pretty handy. :+1:

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Editing a link in here

Okay, that actually is really easy. I’ll be using that method from now on :+1:


I did this by accident a few times this week (when I was trying to paste the dotd link over the template) and couldn’t figure out why it was doing that instead of just pasting! Even after seeing your post yesterday, I didn’t put it together until just now :joy::+1:

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@PKH, I noticed that on the :us: US Special Offers, Top Sale Picks and DOTD that you don’t require a breaker after 3 posts, is that due to the type of topic, or is that a setting you can update?

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That’s because @PKH is the creator/author of that topic, so she can bazz in as many as she likes without worrying about consecutive replies (like the Positions of the Week topic for me).


If you click on the :link: icon and type ‘welcome please’ into the top box it comes up. :+1: I then shorten the display text to just ‘Welcome Topic’ to make it less off-putting. :slightly_smiling_face:

Or you can grab it from the ‘Learn More’ box at the top of the page. :+1:

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Don’t know what I was searching for but I just couldn’t find it :woman_facepalming:t2: - probably a brain freeze moment. Bookmarked now as are a few other of my useful to post topic link subjects.

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@Ian_Chimp How did you make this link go to midway through a post? Linking to that post, I’d have used this:

And it looks like you added this to the end:


Does the # and words jump to those keywords? Or can you only link midway through a post if there are subheadings?

They’re anchor points. You can create them in two different ways.

The first is using the forum’s auto feature. That will automatically make any header an anchor link. A user can grab the link for that by long-pressing on the space just before the header they want to link to, and ‘copy link’:

The second way is to make them manually. I use <a> a lot, though you can pop ‘name=’ in quite a few bits of html to achieve a similar result:

<a name="NAME"></a>

And the link to jump you that point in the post is, for example:

You can have just #NAME as an internal anchor link, but it’s quite limited outside of its post. Using the full address is much more versatile, especially on a forum.

The first one needs a header, but the second one you can sneak pretty much anywhere. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not sure I understand :confused: Like this post about how to write a great review doesn’t have headers, but how would I use <a name="NAME"></a> to figure out what to add to the end of the url to make it link to the “Am I waffling?” (for example)… ?

The guides predated the auto-header function, so they weren’t formatted to take it into account. However, they do have manual ones. :+1: There’s a list of them here:

There might not be one to everywhere you want to go, but there may be some scope to add more if you spot a missing one. :+1:


Okay, I think I’m with you. I thought you wanted to make an anchor link. But to use the existing ones it needs to be a header (to grab the gap link), or you need to know the anchor (which you can get from that list, or copy an existing link).

Does that make more sense?

I’ve just rebuilt the html, so you should be able to grab a link to ‘Am I Waffling’ by long-pressing just to the left of the header text. :+1:

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Ok, so I think I get how to link one that has a section header…

Test - This is how you quote :slight_smile:

And I get how to make a link with a header in my own post… So if I wanted an anchor link without doing a header, I would use the <a name="NAME"></a> function in my post to make an anchor link?

I see for the “waffling” link, you added ### to make it a header, right? So if you were going to use the <a name="NAME"></a> in the post to make it a header, would it be adding <a name="Am I waffling"></a> in front of Am I waffling? on that post?
(correction: <a name="Am I waffling">Am I waffling?</a> ? )

(ETA - doing a subheading is probably the best and easiest way, I just got curious since you mentioned another way :slight_smile: )

(testing it out)

potw round 43

potw poll


@Ian_Chimp I think I’ve got it now, thanks for your help :grin::+1:

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That one was actually already a header, so no edits needed. The anchor links weren’t working right (probably because it predates the auto-header feature), so I gave it a tickle. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can see a few anchor links in the PotW - Vote for the Winner posts, and some sneaky ones in a table in the Welcome Topic, and some in a details section in Forum Badges :badger:.

For longer ones, you can’t have spaces, but underscores and hyphens are fine (eg am-i-waffling).

There’s a limitation to the auto ones, where it adds a number to the end (the nth header in the post), so if you go back and add another in the middle it throws everything off.

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[quote="Lovehoney_Brenna, post:5, topic:257636"]

<div align="center">

<big>Testing & Reviewing FAQs </big>

<small>(click on the arrow in the header to expand in post) </small>



Nice gif @Ian_Chimp … not really forum related but how did you create a gif of what you were doing?

I did not. :slightly_smiling_face: I stole the one from the Forum How-To

But I did make one the other day just for fun. I found a ‘screen recorder’ in my phone’s drop down menu, and just used that. :man_shrugging: I’m not sure on size and quality though, as I only had a quick play.

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Doh - yes, should have recognised that!

Hmmm, I’m going to have to have a play and see if I have something similar. It would be very useful for demonstrating Forum or shopping site stuff sometimes :thinking:

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