This topic is for you all to have your say about what you would like to see Lovehoney stock. π
Product requests only please. Any other comments or suggestions will be removed. Any suggestions for the site, forum or general feedback can be posted to the Suggestions topic
If possible post the full item name, and if you have a link or supplier to post too please do so.
Please note: This is the only area of the forum where competitor web links are allowed. Please refrain from posting them anywhere else on the Lovehoney forum.
This topic will be monitored by moderators and the new product development team.
Thank you all! π
Pro tip: Add a poll to your request so other members can let me know if they would also like it! Copy the code below in one click using the clipboard icon in the top-right corner:
[poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
* I'd like this too
* I wouldn't be interested