The Great Big Review and Testing Guide

Welcome to the Lovehoney Testing & Reviewing Guide!

Do you want to be a sex toy tester and get free sex toys?

This guide includes all the information you’ll need to become part of our pool of potential Lovehoney testers and reviewers.

Note: All information you need to join the testing program is here, please only email me directly with your sizing information. Any other questions feel free to ask them in Sex Toy Tester - Chit-Chat where established testers can help guide you.

You’ll be glad to hear you’re already on the right track by having a community account. :partying_face: Now you need to start/keep reviewing items you already own from us, as this gives us an idea of your writing style and what Testers you may be suited to.

You can submit a review for any product on the site by using the ‘Write a Review’ button in the Customer Review section of an item’s product page.

:lovehoney_heart: All reviews are checked by our review team before going live on the product page. Once published, these are referred to as ‘live reviews’.

If we feel that your reviews are well written, honest and informative, and that you have contributed positively to the forums, you may then be selected to receive free items to review for Lovehoney.

More Info: If you’re unsure on what makes a great review there’s a really good ‘How to Write a Great Review’ guide below that will help you see what we look out for. :star2:


Each week we send out free items for review purposes. In exchange for this review the item is kept by the recipient. Amazing, right?

:earth_africa: International Testers
We ship testers to anywhere the item is in stock on that site (so the UK, US, AU, NZ, CA, EU), but we also offer some testers that are only stocked in our Australian and North American warehouses. So look out for those dedicated Tester Topics. :australia: :new_zealand: :us: :canada:

And it’s not just sex toys we send out for testing. We also need reviews on essentials, lingerie, bondage… well, actually, pretty much anything that we have, or will have, on our site can pop up in our Testers category:

When we have items we need reviews on we will bundle them up into a Tester Topic, and all you need to do is read the info and vote in the poll for the items you’d like to be considered for. Simple. :+1:

There are two important pieces of information to look out for in the Tester Topics: the Status, and the Deadline. The Status is either ‘:lh_heart_purple: Regular’ or ‘:lovehoney_heart: Secret’ (whether you can talk about it or not), and the Deadline is how long you have to test the product and write the review. This is normally :green_heart: One Month, but it can be less if we need a review ASAP.


:lh_heart_purple: Regular
:lovehoney_heart: Secret

:green_heart: One Month
:orange_heart: Two Weeks
:heart: One Week

:exclamation: There are no set days or times for when a Tester Topic is posted, but if you want to stay abreast of all the lastest ones you can set the Testers category to “Watching First Post” using the bell icon, and you will receive a notification every time a new Tester Topic is posted. You can find out more on how to do this in Notifications.

:lh_heart_purple: Regular Testers

The regular Tester Topics are marked with a :lh_heart_purple: emoji, and these are products that are already live on the site. As these are already publicly avaible for anyone to buy from us you can discuss these freely, like you would any other purchase.

If you are selected to test an item you will receive an email from, so make sure your email address is up-to-date to hear the good news. :slightly_smiling_face:

You will normally have one month from the date of dispatch to give the product a good testing, and to submit your review.

To apply for these go to a :lh_heart_purple: Tester Topic in Testers, and vote in the poll for the items you are interested in. If you vote for something by accident, or change your mind, you can press Show Vote to go back and change your choices. If you want to remove yourself from consideration completely, leave all the other options blank and vote for ‘I voted by accident’.

Only the items listed in the Tester Topic are available to test. Any requests for any other products will be ignored.

Key Points:

  • Please be patient. Not everyone can be selected sadly, as we do have lots of members wanting this great opportunity.
  • Typically ten or more live reviews are helpful for us to consider someone for testing and reviewing.
  • Address! Make sure you have an up-to-date postal address in your account that we can ship to.

More info: Testing & Reviewing FAQs

:lovehoney_heart: Secret Testers

If you have been lucky enough to review as a tester we then have the next step… Secret Testers!

We will sometimes need to grab feedback or obtain reviews on an item that is not yet showing on the website. These are Secret Testers and are marked with a :lovehoney_heart:. Typically these are either items that are in development, ones we are considering stocking, or are a brand ‘spanking’ new range coming in, and we want to know what you think!

Secret Testers are hush-hush, and you cannot discuss them publicly anywhere (not even on the Lovehoney Forum).

The Secret Tester Topics appear in the same way as the Regular ones, but instead of having photos and links to product pages they will only have a brief description, and more information will be revealed by email if selected.

If you don’t like the sound of an item once you hear more detail then it is absolutely fine to say you no longer wish to try it. We would rather know this before we send an item out for delivery. :slightly_smiling_face:

The :lovehoney_heart: Secret Tester Topics won’t have polls, so to apply for these items reply to the Tester Topic and include a list of the items you are interested in (in preference order).

As these items won’t have a product page live on the site, you will be emailed a link to where you can submit your review.

Key points:

  • To get to this level of testing we will expect more than 11 live reviews, and at least one of which has been a :lh_heart_purple: Regular Tester.

More info: Secret Testers FAQs

Lingerie Testing

Send Your Measurements

To be selected for lingerie testers it helps if we know your measurements. If you’re happy to, please copy and paste the questions below into an email, get them answered, and send them over to with the title ‘Lingerie Measurements’. That will help us match you to potential items.


Lovehoney Forum Username:


(If male are you happy receiving female lingerie to wear):

Are the items for you or partner:


UK Dress size:

Bust & cup size/ chest (in inches):

Waist (in inches):

Hips (in inches):



Any allergies to materials: (eg latex)

Additional information about sizing: (eg long legs)

And here’s a useful ‘how to’ guide:

Check out this video where we introduce the programme!

And there you have it. You should all be set up and ready to rock. If you have any more questions there are some FAQs below that go into a lot more detail, and you can also ask anything not covered in those in the Sex Toy Tester - Chit-Chat topic, where I (or one of the more experienced reviewers) will try and sort you out an answer. :partying_face:

Thanks for reading, and Happy Reviewing! :lovehoney_heart:

Updated July 2024